Benefits of Sleeptime Therapy®
When you consistently listen to Sleeptime Therapy® activations you are actively creating new neurological connections within your brain, rewiring and upgrading your thoughts, patterns, beliefs, and behaviours into alignment with what you desire in your life and who you desire to be.
When you listen consistently
You are also creating empowering habits around self care and mindfulness which has been proven to provide benefits in the areas of mental health, focus and productivity.

For children using
Sleeptime Therapy®
For parents using Sleeptime Therapy® with their children you will help cultivate a healthy bedtime routine where your child/children will embrace bedtime knowing that they are going to connect with their favourite characters from our Sleeptime Stories library.
Our vision with Sleeptime Therapy®, especially for those who use it from a young age, is that by addressing challenges and issues early on and being able to counteract them on a daily basis by installing positive and empowering wiring of the mind, these children will grow up better prepared and capable of creating the results and success in their life that they desire, be better aquatinted with who they are and what they want to achieve and be motivated and inspired to overcome any and all challenges that come their way.
Benefits for all ages
This is also available to older children and adults as we continue to listen to Sleeptime Therapy® activations as you get a daily dose of positivity, empowerment and rewiring, unwinding and progressively upgrading your mindset.
Sleeptime Therapy® uses a combination of the most effective elements of a range of modalities, sciences and tools. You can learn more about this here.

What will you experience when using Sleeptime Therapy®?
The benefits of Sleeptime Therapy® extend beyond the person who is listening to the audio Activation. While this is our main intention when creating Sleeptime Therapy® we have often received feedback about the positive flow-on effects in the users surrounding environments.
Here are just some of the benefits you may witness when consistently using Sleeptime Therapy® with your child/children:
reduced severity of current symptoms
a calmer child
increased awareness and understanding of emotions
better sleep routine
better quality of sleep
increased focus and productivity
better self-esteem and self-worth
reduced signs of stress and better resilience
reduced nervousness and anxious behaviour
more patience with themselves and those around them
liberation from misplaced shame and/or guilt
greater signs of well-being and happiness.
Below are additional benefits that may be observed as a result of using Sleeptime Therapy® with your children:
better communication between siblings
higher levels of co-operation and patience
greater harmony within the household
calm and positive play at childcare or school
higher levels of attentiveness in the home and classroom
more time for parents to share attention with other children
ability for parents to better understand the needs of the child
plus many more
For adults using Sleeptime Therapy® for themselves the benefits can extend beyond yourself and may include:
better relationships with those around you
more balanced household and workplace
stronger friendships
more time and energy
clarity around who you are, what is important to you and how to create it
so much more...

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